Friday, July 15, 2011

Ginseng as an Anti Cancer Agent

Ginseng is natural herb found in china which is used to cure different types of health problems main mental stress and anxiety it helps to work brain more efficiently and give energy to immune system. It is also used to cure cancer by fighting against cancer cell it strengthens the immune system thus prevent the growth of different type of cancers. Ginseng contain ginsenosides compounds which are considered good and safe for curing cancer.Hence ginseng is one of the best anti cancer agents present in the herbal and natural products.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Anti Cancer Agent : Pomegranate

In Pomegranate photochemical urolithin B opposes estrogen production that prevents and stops the proliferation of breast cancer cells and the growth of estrogen-responsive tumors- This was found to know in Cancer Prevention Research, Jan 2010.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Anti Cancer Agent in APPLE

                     Eating an apple daily helps a cancer doctor away from you. Apple is rich in fibers which helps in fighting cancer tissues and cells. The Pectin the fiber in apple skin helps in fighting harmful bacterias and it also helps in producing a resistance against cancer attack on intestinal lining.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Anti Cancer Agent :Green Tea

Green Tea:
                            Green Tea is good anti-cancer agent one should take green tea twice a week it also refreshes the mind and it is good antioxidant which can help you fight against cancer and prevents from it.